Taxation Advisory
Our Team has an in-depth knowledge and understanding of Indian Direct and Indirect tax laws and how a structure would result into macro gains for an organisation without compromising on the inherent risks of tax. We very well understand that a Tax position reflects its outcome after two years and therefore, we are sensitive to the thought that no short term gains should result in long term exposure for our clients.
We have in house expertise which can assist our clients across the broad spectrum of tax areas, which include:
Discover benefits as available under tax statutes and available to client
Identifying major exposures
Advising for induction, expansion or repatriating of funds from business in India from an overall tax perspective
We review the tax positions and procedures in a holistic manner to highlight the areas which are venerable to tax litigations, tax demand or penalties or may be non optimised from a tax structuring perspective leading to overall costs to an organisation. While the service aims to bring reduction in tax costs of a client, we also address tax exposures, if therein.